    How to Update Your Nickname, Profile Picture and Platform Display
    bybit2025-01-23 13:57:11
    On the AppOn the Website

    You can find a step-by-step guide below to update your nickname, profile picture, currency display, and notification language on your account.


    Modify Your Nickname and Profile Picture

    Launch the Bybit App and tap on your profile icon in the top left corner of the page. From your profile page, you can modify your profile nickname and picture in two (2) different ways:


    a. Tap on your profile picture to open the Profile Settings page. You can change your profile picture by tapping on the picture again, and adjust your nickname by selecting the pencil icon.


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    b. Tap on the settings icon to open the Account Settings page. Within the Account Info section, you will be able to change both your profile picture and your nickname.


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    Modify Currency Displayed and Notification Language

    To modify the displayed currency and notification language on your Bybit account, please launch the Bybit App and tap on your profile icon in the top left corner of the page. Then, tap on the settings icon to open the Account Settings page. In the Universal section, you will be able to change both the currency displayed and the language of your account.


    Note: Changes to language settings apply to both your account and notifications on both the Bybit App and Bybit's official website. If you've set different languages on your Bybit App and website, the latest language selected will take precedence.


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    Modify Platform Language

    On the homepage, please tap on your profile icon in the top left corner and then on the Settings icon in the top right corner. Once on the Settings page, tap on Language and select your preferred language.


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